Why people are focusing on the mobile indexing? As per the recent survey 45% of people are using google or other search engine on their smartphones. Hence every websites need to work as a perfect condition on smartphones.
"To make our results more useful, we have begun experiments to make our index mobile-first. Although our search index will continue to be a single index of websites and apps, our algorithms will eventually primarily use the mobile version of a site’s content to rank pages from that site, to understand structured data, and to show snippets from those pages in our results.
Of course, while our index will be built from mobile documents, we’re going to continue to build a great search experience for all users, whether they come from mobile or desktop devices.” – Google

Choose Responsive Design
First you need to choose the best responsive theme/design which means the site able to work on the mobile device too and also give the good UX according to user satisfy. It can be easily done by the technical team they very well known how to select the responsive theme for your website.
Mobile -Optimized Content
The second! A user able to read your content on the mobile because the traditional crowd from desktop might use from the mobile also. The user should able to view all the media files like audio, video, images etc like the desktop version.
Increase The Site Speed

User Experience is always an important thing. If your site load slowly, users will leave your site fast and this leads to a great lagging in your ranking. In order to optimize your site for mobile first indexing, you have to increase your site loading speed. There are many ways to optimize your site for mobile. Choose the ways that you need and make your site perfectly fit.
Base Development For Mobile
Instead of developing the website for desktop, the developers must design the website with a mindset of designing the website for mobile from the base of the development process.
Expert Intervention
This is the most comfortable way to get optimizing on mobile indexing. Simply, you can approach the expert SEO company in Bangalore to get an index quickly also get a mobile optimized website. Typically, the major search engine google will give the ranking priority for the mobile optimized websites.